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fitPC2i used with WireShark - monitored port switches

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:45 am
by frankh
I've tried to use a fitPC2i as an Ethernet logging device where one port is monitoring and the other is used for remote access/management of the machine. I'm using WireShark 1.48 and the companion command line 'tshark' tool to do the monitoring along with the WinPCap version it comes with.

All is well at first. However, after some amount of time (not too long), during the monitoring of the target Ethernet port the data stream switches to the remote access/management port. This is despite trying a couple different ways to describe the port to be monitored to the tool.

I've also tried to disable the one port, and just monitor one port - that doesn't work either. In fact it looked like the disabled port got re-enabled from what I could tell.

Drivers all seem to be up-to-date and it's a preloaded Windows 7 machine with just some configuration changes. I can't think of what would cause this behavior so wanted to float this out on this group to see if anyone has suggestions.

A standard desktop client with dual NICs running Windows VISTA and the same WireShark version does not have this problem. Not the same OS version but it's the best I can do right now.

Any ideas?



Re: fitPC2i used with WireShark - monitored port switches

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:07 pm
by gabrielh
Hello Frank

Unfortunately, we don't have an experience with a WireShark. Please try to twist between the ethernet ports.